Workplace Hazards - Definitions & Category


What is a hazard?

A hazard is something with the potential to cause harm. According to OHSAS 18001:1999, the hazard is a source or situation with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or illness health, damage to property, damage to the environment, or a combination of these.

Why hazards identification?

Hazard recognition or hazard identification is vitally important in accident prevention. By recognizing hazards' characteristics and properties, we can clearly determine proper controls. Unfortunately, the majority of us sometimes overlook recognizing hazards. There are many reasons why hazard identification has to be updated. We have identified the following top 15 reasons after doing extensive research:

  1. the identification of workplace hazards is the first step in the risk management process;
  2. when a new job, task, or activity is introduced\initiated;
  3. when the existing process conditions will have to change;
  4. when current standard operating procedures need to be altered;
  5. when we plan to modify plant facility or plant layout;
  6. when new equipment or machine will be installed in the plant site;
  7. when new safety equipment is introduced;
  8. when replacement of chemical, catalyst, or fuel is required;
  9. when a new product will be produced;
  10. when the plant expansion project is scheduled;
  11. when after an incident or accident occurred;
  12. when a neighbor plant will be built near the existing chemical plant;
  13. when safety audit, safety inspection, safety patrol, or self-inspection system is being done;
  14. when transportation of the hazardous chemicals is required;
  15. when on-site and off-site emergency plans are prepared as per the schedule 11 and 12 of MS and IHC rules 1989 of EPA 1986.

In industry, there is an interface between man and machine with various materials through standard operating procedures (SOPs) in a diversified working environment. Any variation in coordination or short cuts or uncomfortably of the man may lead to happening of any type of errors. This error may transform into a bigger accident, if not control in time. The popular fish bone example above is used to show this relationship for error or accident.

Categorizing hazards

To assist in identifying hazards, the hazards may be categorized as follows:

  • The obvious hazard is apparent to the senses (e.g. unguarded machinery, building defects, or and faulty electrical equipment).
  • The concealed hazard is not apparent to the senses (e.g. electricity, presence of toxic vapors, or and high-frequency noise).
  • The developing hazard cannot be recognized immediately and will develop over time (e.g. a worn tire on a mobile crane or and frayed steel cables), and
  • The transient hazard is an intermittent or a temporary hazard (e.g. overload of machinery, when a confined space permit has expired, a sticking safety valve on a boiler, intermittent electrical or and mechanical defect).

To make the job of identification of hazards in the workplace easier, it is important to record the following

  • all activities involved in work process and tasks
  • who is involved in those activities
  • details of plant or materials that are used

It is important to make a list of all the hazards at the workplace. Once this list of hazards is compiled then each of the hazards should be considered individually for risk management.

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