What are some emergency response precautions required while working in a confined space?

If a situation arises where there is a hazardous condition and the worker does not leave or is unable to leave the confined space, rescue procedures should begin immediately.

The Safety Watch is qualified in confined spaces rescue procedures and will be available immediately outside the confined space to provide emergency assistance if needed. The Safety Watch should be familiar with the structural design of the confined space. The Safety Watch is in constant communication with the worker inside the confined space and will:
  • Have an alarm for calling for help.
  • Have all required rescue equipment (for example, safety harnesses, lifting equipment, a lifeline) immediately available and be trained in its use.
  • Hold a basic first-aid certificate.
  • Can do Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).

The detailed plan for an emergency response to an injury or other emergency within the confined space should be described in detail in the Confined Space Hazard Assessment and Control Programme.
Rescue the victims from outside of the confined space, if possible. No other worker should enter a confined space to attempt a rescue unless that work is fully trained in the rescue procedures and is wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment. More than 60% of deaths in confined spaces are due to rescuers, who are not fully trained and adequately equipped.

Another worker qualified in confined spaces the rescue procedures must be present outside the confined space before the first rescuer enters the confined space. Do not use the same air as the workers in the confined space you are rescuing. Wear SCBA (self-contained breathing apparatus) or supplied-air respirator with an escape bottle.






Has the space been cleaned before entry is made?


Was the space steamed?


If so, was it allowed for cooling?





Has the space been ventilated before entry?


Will ventilation be continued during entry?


Is the air intake for the ventilation system located in an area that is free of combustible dust and vapors and toxic substances?


If the atmosphere was found unacceptable and then ventilated, was it re-tested before entry?





Has the space been isolated from other systems?


Has electrical equipment been locked out?


Have disconnects been used where possible?


Has mechanical equipment been blocked, chocked, and disengaged where necessary?


Have lines under pressure been blanked and bled?





Is special clothing required (boots, chemical suits, glasses. etc.)?
(If so, specify:............... )


Is special equipment required (e.g. rescue equipment. communications equipment, etc.)?
(If so, specify: ..........................................)


Are special tools required (e.g., spark-proof)?
(If so, specify:.................................. )





Are approved respirators of the type required available at the worksite?


Is respiratory protection required (e.g., air-purifying, supplied-air, self-contained breathing apparatus. etc.)?
(If so, specify type:..................................... )


Can you get through the opening with a respirator on?
(If you don’t know, find out before you try to enter.)

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