Hazard Control Measures - Elimination


Control measures 1 - Elimination

To control the hazards there are four principles in general. Elimination of the best option, if elimination is not possible then substitution should be Engineering control is applied to control hazards by engineering modifications in the process. The last principle advocates administrative control by making some administrative mechanism in the workplace to keep away hazards from humans and the workplace.

The application of all four control measures with the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) reduces the hazards significantly in the workplace and outside of the unit.


The most effective control measure is to control hazards at the source by eliminating the hazard. Eliminate hazards at the "development stage" it is important to consider health and safety aspects when work processes are still in the planning stages. For example, when purchasing machines, safety should be the first concern, not cost. Machines should conform to national safety standards — they should be designed with the correct guard on them to eliminate the danger of a worker getting caught in the machine while using it. Machines that are not produced with the proper guards on them may cost less to purchase, but cost more in terms of accidents, loss of production, compensation, etc. Unfortunately, many used machines that do not meet safety standards are exported to developing countries, causing workers to pay the price with accidents, hearing loss from noise, etc.

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