Hazard Control Measures - Administrative Control

Administrative controls limit the duration of working time of the workers at a hazardous place. Some examples of administrative controls include:

  • Giving workers longer rest periods or shorter work shifts to reduce exposure time;
  • Moving a hazardous work process to an area where fewer people will be exposed;
  • Changing a work process to a shift when fewer people are working;
  • Clear and readable signage is an administrative tool for communication and control of hazards at workplaces (example on the right) ;
  • Compliance with regulatory provisions is the best administrative control;
  • Organization of drills for emergency;
  • Inclusion of bonus to those who regard safety and follow the safety instructions
  • Disclosure of the hazards and risk to civil administration to get help in a real emergency;
  • Inclusion of safety in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and demonstration with a community of nearby.

An example of administrative controls being used together with engineering controls and personal protective equipment is a four-hour limit for work in a fully enclosed, high noise area where ear protectors are required.

  1. Administrative controls limiting the amount of time working at a hazardous job can be used together with other methods of control to reduce exposure to hazards.
  2. Administrative controls do not eliminate exposures; they only reduce exposure time.

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