Hazard Control Checklist


Check-list to assess the control measures for personal hygiene First Aid

  • Drink clean, potable water.
  • Never eat in locker rooms, washrooms, or where dangerous materials are used.
  • Wash the hands and the exposed parts of the body regularly and take daily baths or showers.
  • Clean the teeth and mouth daily and have periodic dental check-ups if possible.
  • Wear proper clothing and footwear.
  • Do not mix work and street clothes.
  • Clean working clothes, towels, etc. with the help of a special laundry, if possible, particularly when they get contaminated.
  • Keep physically healthy with regular exercise.
  • Is adequate first-aid equipment provided and checked regularly?
  • Are trained and adequate first-aid personnel present during all shifts?
  • Is adequate space available in first-aid room?
  • Is first-aid competence been evaluated during drills?
  • Are locations of first-aid posts visible and within reach?
  • Have Ambulance are equipped with necessary medical facilities?
  • Are body showers and eye wash are available at all points?
  • Are workers encouraged for taking meal at clean dinning places?
  • Are safety committees’ recommendations being discussed with workers and supervisors for improving personal hygiene health?

Check-list to assess the control measures for hazards control and emergency planning

  • Does it adequately control the hazard?
  • Does it allow workers to do their job comfortably without creating new hazards?
  • Does it protect every worker who may be at risk of exposure to the hazard?
  • Does it eliminate the hazard from the general environment as well as the workplace?
  • Are less toxic chemicals used whenever possible?
  • Are work processes used which minimize the release of gases, vapours, dusts or fumes?
  • Are the sources of the release of gases or vapours completely enclosed?
  • Are dust-producing machines or piles of dusty materials isolated or enclosed as much as possible?
  • Are workstation locations chosen so that exposure to gases, vapours, dusts or fumes is minimal?
  • Are containers with chemicals in them labelled indicating the contents and warning of the hazard?
  • Is necessary information on safe handling and first-aid measures given on the label or as written instructions?
  • Have workers been trained on fire, spillage, toxic risks management and safe handling of hazardous chemicals during emergency?
  • Does training include information on safe storage and transportation of chemicals and mock drills?
  • Are emergency showers and eye-wash stations available at the work site?

Check-list to assess the control measures for personal protective equipments (PPEs)

  • Has all protective clothing (masks, helmets, gloves, eye protectors, overalls, boots, aprons, etc.) been personally fitted and issued?
  • Are protective clothing items immediately replaced when damaged or lost?
  • Are protective clothing and equipments of good quality and the correct type for the job being used?
  • Are respirators handled carefully? Are masks personally fitted to ensure a proper seal? Is the type of respirator correct for the conditions (e.g. dust filters do not protect against gases or fumes; different canister and cartridge respirators are needed to neutralize different vapours and gases in the air)? Is there an independent air supply either air-line or self-contained breathing apparatus for the most dangerous conditions?Have workers been properly trained in the use of PPEs? Have workers and supervisors been trained in the use of filter, canister and air-bottle systems/SCBA.
  • Is protective clothing (which can cause restrictive and oppressive working conditions) only worn for limited periods of time? Are jobs rotated to enable wearing the PPE for only short periods?
  • Are all PPEs provided to workers free of charge?
  • Are PPEs inspected, cleaned and maintained by management? Are workers expected to take contaminated clothing home?
  • Does the use of PPE create other risks, e.g. by reducing vision, mobility or hearing?

Check-list to assess the control measures for general cleanliness

  • Is the layout designed to facilitate order and cleanliness? Is there \ adequate space between machines exists?
  • Are aisles, passageways, transport areas and exits clearly marked and free of obstacles?
  • Are special areas set aside for storage of raw materials, finished products, tools and accessories?
  • Are there racks for hand tools or other necessary items above work tables?
  • Are there underbench slots or other spaces for storage of small personal belongings?
  • Are receptacles for waste and debris in convenient locations?
  • Are floor-covering materials suitable for the work and for cleaning?
  • Are there screens or simple devices to prevent deposits of oil, liquid wastes or water on the floors available?
  • Are there drainage channels for waste water?
  • Are there special groups of people to carry out day-to-day cleaning and weekly or monthly cleaning?
  • Have arrangements been made to remove finished goods and wastes?
  • Is there a clear assignment of duties for maintenance and repair of work premises, particularly stairs, walkways, walls, lights and toilet/ washing facilities exists?

Check-list to assess the control measures for machine guards

  • Are the operators' hands, fingers and bodies kept safely away from the danger areas when a machine is being operated? If no, what type of guard could be installed?
  • Are starting and stopping controls within easy reach of the operator?
  • Are belts, pulleys, chains, sprockets, gears and blades properly guarded?
  • Are rotating parts covered or out of reach inside the equipment?
  • Are fans that are located near the floor guarded?
  • Are guards firmly attached so they cannot easily be removed?
  • Have operators been told about the importance of using guards? Have they been trained in the operation and maintenance of guarded machines?
  • If operators are not within sight or hearing distance of other workers, is an alarm device provided?
  • Is there an effective system for disconnecting and locking out the machine from its power sources when guards are removed during maintenance? Have workers been trained in lockout procedures and in machine maintenance procedures?
  • Do machine guards restrict workers' productivity, cause discomfort or annoyance to the operator?
  • Does the design or construction of the machine guards create any new dangers?
  • Is the company following all local or national requirements for machine guarding and any special rules for guarding of hand and portable powered tools and machinery?

Check-list to assess the control measures for local exhaust ventilation

  • Do you smell chemical odours or see dust building up near the \ hood or machines? Can you see contaminants in the air?
  • Is the hood close enough to the place where air contaminants are being released?
  • Are any ducts broken or leaking?
  • Check motors and fans. Are any belts broken? Are fans installed correctly? Are fan blades covered with dirt, grease, etc. and inefficient?
  • Ask the senior management to show the original design of the system. Have extra hoods been added to cover new machines? If any were added, was the system balanced again? Can it handle the new load?
  • Are there many bends, twists or Y’s in the duct system? These can slow down the movement of the exhaust air as well as causing increased noise levels.
  • Does the hood pull contaminants in the proper direction away from the worker's face?
  • Does the amount of clean air brought into the system equal the amount exhausted? Does monitoring of hazardous gases is efficient and concentration is within prescribed limits.
  • Has the employer used an instrument called a velometer to see if the airflow is strong enough?

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